Watts Up!
This is a new corner of the world carved out to explain the world of road cycling in common everyday language. Our goal is help take the guess work out of cycling as a sport and a hobby.
This site is brand new and we are only now beginning to build out the content. I hope you will comeback soon and often. I look forward to seeing you on the road…
Ride strong! Ride safe!
Veni, vidi, bici! [I came, I saw, I bicycled!]
“Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race.”
— H. G. Wells
DoTheMiles ; DoTheMiles.tv; and DtM are trademarked and no portion of the material presented herein may be copied or redistributed, in whole or in part, for material gain. Any further rebroadcast of the content on DoTheMiles.tv in whole or part for any use beyond personal consumption without expressed written permission of Matthew E. Gorman in Exton, Pennsylvania is strictly prohibited.
The information provided by meeoprofile.com and all affiliates is informational only. All consumers/users of the information provided on the “Do The Miles” series assumes all responsibility for their their use. All viewers are encouraged to use their best judgment when putting the information into practice.